- Jeunesse
- Livres illustrés / Enfance (+ de 3 ans) (35)
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Phaidon Jeunesse
35 produits trouvés
Emile is an eight-legged hero who has twice as much courage and four times as many legs as most people - except, of course, other octopuses.
When deep-sea diver Captain Samovar is attacked by a ferocious shark, Emile comes to his aid. Grateful to his rescuer, the Captain invites him to stay at his home, where Emile sleeps in a bathtub full of salt water. Emile turns out to be a fantastic octopus: he is a gifted musician (able to play three instruments simultaneously) and a great lifeguard, teaching children to swim and saving people from drowning. One day, Emile and the Captain, who works on a police launch, encounter a suspicious-looking boat in the ocean, with a dangerous group of smugglers on board...
A charming tale of a fearless crime-fighting, eight-legged hero that will delight two-legged readers of all ages.Grand format 16.95 €Indisponible
Tomi Ungerer's classic tale about a bat who learns to embrace his differences through friendship.
Like all bats, Rufus sees life in black and white, until he chances upon an outdoor movie theatre and is awakened to the dazzling world of colours for the first time.
Inspired and excited, Rufus paints his own wings and ventures out into the day, only to discover that his unusual appearance attracts unwelcome attention.
Though he is initially rejected for his difference, Rufus soon learns to accept himself for who he is, thanks to a new friend.
Beautifully written and illustrated by the legendary Tomi Ungerer.
Homère le homard doit-il rester dîner ?
Michael Buckley, Finn Buckley, Catherine Meurisse
- Phaidon Jeunesse
- 21 Mars 2019
- 9780714878881
Homère le Homard est ravi le jour où il reçoit une invitation à dîner. Mais à son arrivée, on lui offre des bracelets pour ses pinces et on lui propose de prendre un bon bain d'eau bouillante. Ses hôtes sont visiblement affamés et portent des bavoirs à son effigie... Le sort d'Homère est entre tes mains : à toi de décider s'il doit rester (ou pas) à ce dîner ! Un album dont le lecteur choisit la fin, avec un délicieux plat de homard à la clé... Écrit par le célèbre auteur Michael Buckley et Finn, son fils de 10 ans, l'album est illustré par la talentueuse Catherine Meurisse. Il révèle le goût de l'illustratrice pour les situations théâtrales !
Pour ce jeu de balles, fabrique une simple boulette de papier, et c'est parti : marque des points, suis le parcours, atteins des cibles. Créé tes propres règles : à un, à deux, à quatre, debout ou à plat sur une table ou bien encore suspendu. Tu peux lancer ta balle, t'aider d'un élastique, faire des pichenettes et même utiliser la planchette détachable pour ajuster tes coups. Mais fais bien attention : les adultes ont tendance à emprunter ce jeu et même à l'emporter au travail.
Alors, garde-le bien à l'oeil !
This glorious collection brings together eight iconic tales by Tomi Ungerer, from his bestknown classics (The Three Robbers, Moon Man, Otto) and acclaimed recent work Fog Island, to lost gems Zeralda's Ogre, Flix, The Hat and Emile. Special features include a personal letter from the author, quotes and anecdotes about each story, and materials from the 'making of' for some his most celebrated works - storyboards, sketches, and images that inspired him. A lasting tribute to a master of his craft.
Le pays des petits poux est un vieux matelas abandonné au fond d'un jardin. Les petits poux y habitent depuis des années, chaque petit pou dans son trou. Aujourd'hui, c'est l'anniversaire du petit pou gras et tous les autres petits poux du pays sont invités dans le grand trou, au milieu du matelas. C'est la première fois qu'ils vont tous se rencontrer.
Le petit pou gras prépare des gâteaux à la poussière, installe des guirlandes et met en route son tourne-disque. Mais quand ses invités arrivent, quelle surprise ! Ils sont tous très différents de lui et aucun ne se ressemble : l'un est tout maigre, l'autre est tout jaune, un autre est multicolore. Toutes ces différences sont autant de sources de questionnement des petits poux sur le ton de la raillerie : " Pourquoi tu es maigre comme un haricot ? ", " Mais toi, au fait, pourquoi tu es gras comme un hippopotame ? ".
Mais tous les petits poux en arrivent à la même conclusion : ils sont tous nés comme ça, différents les uns des autres. Et comme ils n'y peuvent rien, ils se précipitent tous sur la piste de danse et se mettent à sautiller tous ensemble à droite et à gauche.
Au pays des petits poux est une très jolie histoire, pour les enfants à partir de 4 ans, sur la différence et la tolérance.
Pour ce jeu des yeux, il faut être deux : un papa, une maman ou un copain, quelqu'un de malin pour se transformer en robot, en extraterrestre ou en petit chat câlin !
Avec ce livre, tu peux danser, tournoyer, virevolter... Et si quelqu'un te le lit, tu peux juste écouter. Tu peux apporter ton livre à table, mais n'essaie pas de lui donner à manger ! Des illustrations délibérément fantaisistes accompagnent cet hommage poétique au livre imprimé et aux liens privilégiés que nous tissons avec nos ouvrages préférés. Grâce à son humour imaginatif et sa tendresse attachante, ce livre-doudou va faire rire aux éclats son jeune public ! Ce livre qui parle de l'amour des livres séduira tous les amoureux des livres, auteurs, bibliothécaires, parents et jeunes lecteurs.
Un hymne au livre imprimé, un objet à choyer. Des comptines amusantes et un coup de crayon inventif.
La souris aux yeux verts et la souris aux yeux bleus
Bob Gill
- Phaidon Jeunesse
- 21 Octobre 2010
- 9780714859538
Monsieur Racine wakes up one day to find his precious pear tree looted of all the award-winning fruit. When he discovers that the culprit is funny-looking beast, his anger gives way to curiosity and two become friends. But the beast is not quite what it seems, eventually it comes apart-literally to show itself to be no beast at all, but the two playful children from next door, covered with skins and rags.
Rainbows in bloom : discovering colors with flowers
Darroch Putnam, Michael Putnam
- Phaidon Jeunesse
- 26 Novembre 2021
- 9781838662998
This groundbreaking book is the first to go beyond the basic colors usually introduced to children in early concept books to explore the enormous variety of shades colors have.
Readers start with red and orange, and are prompted to open a double gatefold. When opened, the gatefold reveals a beautiful arrangement of flowers, in a variety of red and orange hues, organized in gradation. The book features six further color pairs to illustrate the full spectrum, revealing the astonishing range of shades found between familiar colors - and showing how colors connect to one another.
Grand format 14.95 €
Highly interactive book with die-cuts throughout that are ideal for developing visual awareness, creativity, and imagination.
Featuring thick board pages that are perfect for little hands to hold and turn. Encourages young ones to exercise fine motor skills in the context of humour and play.
From the hand and mind of Hervé Tullet, author of Press Here (over 1 million copies sold worldwide and a The New York Times bestseller for 3 years running).
Part of the Let's Play Games series, which offers a range of thought-provoking concepts, formats, and visuals for young children, and has sold more than 250,000 copies worldwide. The perfect gift for pre-school children.
King and Jester, Boat and Captain, Mountain and Climber... fathers and children are all of these things and more in Chris Raschka's tribute to this familial pair. Each stanza presents three scenarios in which the father and child's roles are subtly balanced. The pairs vary between stanzas, coming together in a visit to an ice-cream truck. With minimal text and maximum emotion, the book encapsulates Raschka's own passion and nostalgia for being a father to his [now-grown] son.
In this final masterpiece from the late Tomi Ungerer, Earth is devastated and empty. Everyone has escaped to the moon - except Vasco. Luckily, Vasco has his shadow to guide him, and he finds little green Poco - someone to care for and bring to safety. Nonstop dangers await Vasco and baby Poco at every corner, but Vasco's shadow rescues and guides them through destroyed cities and apocalyptic landscapes to safety.
It's a timely, thought-provoking tale of friendship, trust, and hope.
- Tomi Ungerer is an icon in the realms of children's literature and illustration. His work is acclaimed and awarded, and has often been praised by fellow children's book masters such as Maurice Sendak, Eric Carle, and Shel Silverstein - «Tomi is a spectacular graphic genius.» - Maurice Sendak - Ungerer is a winner of the Hans Christian Andersen Award, the highest achievable international award for children's literature - Ungerer was named Europe's first Ambassador for Childhood and Education in 2003, and his most recent picture book, Fog Island, was named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A crocodile sticks his head in the sand and asks his friends to guess which animal he is mimicking. A turn of the page reveals the answer: an ostrich! Next, the ostrich curls her long neck and shoots water from her mouth. Whom is she imitating? An elephant! Readers are a part of the game, wagering guesses before turning the page to find the often unexpected reveal. Painted in a stylish and saturated color palette of Pantones, this unusual book will engage children in considering animal behavior and characteristics. With an unexpectedly poignant ending, this informational yet artful storybook is unlike any before it.
The first book to feature animal charades! - An engaging, narrative, read-aloud story based around factual animal characteristics - Relates to and will inspire the imaginary play of preschool-aged children, who often mimic animals to «become» the creatures themselves - Features a bold color palette in a screen-printed style, printed in rich Pantones
Grand format 12.95 €Indisponible
Interactive, with two die-cuts holes for the eyes, this book can be held up against the face like a mask. While reading to the child, the adult turns into a robot, an alien or a cuddly kitten. A fun and interactive variation of the much-loved peekaboo game for babies and young children.
A hilarious underground adventure starring the world's most adventurous family of pigs.
When Mr. Mellops' golf ball rolls down a crevice, the family's natural response is to prepare a spelunking (cave exploring) expedition!
Down the crevice they go, with their steel helmets and rope ladder. Then, on a rubber raft they follow the underground river at the bottom of the crevice. Stalactites and stalagmites abound, and cave paintings and other remnants of the past are everywhere. Suddenly the raft is punctured, and the Mellops swim to safety - only to find themselves in a smugglers' den.
In an exciting turn of events, the clever pigs combine their archaeological explorations with the ingenious capture of these outlaws. A timeless favourite!
A beautifully illustrated picture book for ages 3-6.
Nicholas and the gang
René Goscinny, Jean-Jacques Sempé
- Phaidon Jeunesse
- 26 Octobre 2007
- 9780714844930
Grand format 19.95 €Indisponible