Octavia E. Butler
24 produits trouvés
Xenogenesis Tome 3 : Imago
Octavia E. Butler
- Au Diable Vauvert
- Litterature Generale
- 15 Février 2024
- 9791030706376
100 ans après avoir été sauvés de l'extinction sur Terre par les oankalis, les derniers humains vivent isolés, ignorant encore tout de la colonie martienne prête à les recevoir.
Premier enfant hybride issu de l'union entre humains et extraterrestres, Jodahs s'aventure avec espoir loin de sa famille à la recherche de compagnons.
« Lorsque O. Butler reprise le thème de l'abduction extraterrestre, c'est pour mieux nous ouvrir aux possibles du Cosmos, rencontrer l'Impensable, souvent dérangeant, et fouiller les tares de notre Humanité. » Michael Roch
« Cette aventure captivante, dans la plus pure tradition butlerienne, est à la fois une dystopie politique et une fable philosophique. » Lauren Bastide -
En 2025 aux États-Unis, après l'effondrement du dollar, l'exclusion, la misère et la violence atteignent des proportions inégalées. Les propriétaires sont barricadés et armés contre les pillards, les crève-la-faim, les pyromanes ou les bandes furieuses de drogués. Dans ce monde détruit, quelques groupes tentent de s'organiser pour survivre. C'est au sein de l'une de ces communautés que vit Lauren, quinze ans, noire, fille du premier mariage d'un pasteur noir et d'une junkie, dotée d'une faiblesse génétique, une hyper-empathie qui lui fait ressentir physiquement la douleur ou le plaisir d'autrui.
Jetée sur les routes dans un exode de cauchemar, la jeune fille trace son chemin à travers le chaos, semant une parole d'espoir pour une nouvelle humanité auprès des déshérités.
L'histoire se poursuit dans un second volume, La Parabole des talents, disponible au Diable vauvert.
Xenogenesis Tome 1 : L'aube
Octavia E. Butler
- Au Diable Vauvert
- Litterature Generale
- 27 Octobre 2022
- 9791030705065
Lilith Lyapo se réveille d'un sommeil de plusieurs siècles après que la guerre nucléaire a dévasté la Terre, à bord du vaste vaisseau spatial des Oankali.
Créatures couvertes de tentacules et distinguées selon trois sexes, experts en manipulations génétiques, les Oankali ont sauvé les humains survivants d'une Terre mourante et ruinée. Ils ont guéri la planète, le cancer, et sont prêts à ramener Lilith et son peuple sur Terre.
En contrepartie, ils demandent aux humains d'accepter de concevoir un enfant des Oankali, qui survivent en mélangeant leur ADN avec celui d'autres espèces.
Les explorations génétiques menées sur Lilith évoquent celles sur l'afro-américaine Henrietta Lacks, dont les cellules cancéreuses prélevées à son insu furent utilisées dans des recherches biologiques. Mais Lilith finit par s'habituer à ces êtres aux technologies étranges et, pour aider les humains à regagner leur planète, prend leur parti...
Aventure de science-fiction et exploration philosophique, un roman précurseur, aussi ambitieux qu'époustouflant, qui soulève finalement la question de ce que signifie être humain. -
Xenogenesis Tome 2 : L'initiation
Octavia E. Butler
- Au Diable Vauvert
- Litterature Generale
- 18 Mai 2023
- 9791030705997
Aventure de science-fiction et exploration philosophique, une trilogie aussi ambitieuse qu'époustouflante par une voix fondatrice de l'afroféminisme.
Retour sur Terre régénérée.
Quelques décennies après L'Aube. D'un côté, une population hybride, de l'autre, une poignée d'humains rendus stériles bien décidée à sauvegarder leur espèce.
Représentant les deux ethnies, Akin, fils de Lilith, s'interroge sur le camp à choisir comme sur sa double appartenance... -
Californie 2032. La fille de Lauren, Asha, créatrice de jeux virtuels, découvre le journal dans lequel Lauren a posé les bases de Semence de la Terre, bible humaniste et pacifiste.
Dans un pays au comble du chaos, les élections portent au pouvoir le révérend Jarret, un chrétien fondamentaliste. L'Amérique renoue avec la grande tradition de l'esclavagisme, dernière étape avant l'ouverture de camps de détentions destinés aux rebelles. C'est le sort réservé à la communauté Semence de la Terre. Lauren entre en résistance et subit le pire sans jamais se résigner, masquant son hyper empathie à ses bourreaux, et luttant pour s'évader, retrouver les siens et réensemencer la vie. -
Dana, jeune femme noire d'aujourd'hui, se retrouve propulsée au temps de l'esclavage dans une plantation du Sud et y rencontre ses ancêtres...
Un magnifique roman qui interroge l'altérité, questionne l'humain et constitue le testament littéraire d'Octavia E. Butler.
Imaginez une gamine de 10 ans, noire et amnésique, cherchant ceux qui l'ont laissée pour morte dans une forêt après avoir décimé sa famille. Traquée par des ennemis inidentifiables, elle remonte peu à peu le fil de sa vie passée pour se rendre compte qu'elle est en réalité âgée de 53 ans, dotée de pouvoirs surnaturels et d'une sexualité aussi vitale qu'ambiguë.... Qu'elle est en fait un vampire génétiquement modifié pour pouvoir vivre à la lumière du jour.
**'The marker you should judge all other time-travelling narratives by' Guardian** Octavia E. Butler's masterpiece and ground-breaking exploration of power and responsibility, for fans of The Handmaid's Tale, The Power and Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing . With an original foreword by AyO²bàmi AdebàyO². '[Her] evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human' New York Times ' No novel I've read this year has felt as relevant, as gut-wrenching or as essential' The Pool In 1976, Dana dreams of being a writer. In 1815, she is assumed a slave. When Dana first meets Rufus on a Maryland plantation, he's drowning. She saves his life - and it will happen again and again. Neither of them understands his power to summon her whenever his life is threatened, nor the significance of the ties that bind them. And each time Dana saves him, the more aware she is that her own life might be over before it's even begun. Octavia E. Butler's ground-breaking masterpiece is the extraordinary story of two people bound by blood, separated by so much more than time. What readers are saying about KINDRED: ' It was written in 1979 but could have been written last year. Incredible. I couldn't put it down ' ' The narrator is us - we see the abomination and humiliation of slavery not through a slave's eyes, but our modern-day eyes , and it makes it all the more powerful ' 'A must-read for everyone' ' Emotionally and viscerally alive and challenging . I don't know how I missed it before now'
This first Earthseed novel by ground-breaking writer Octavia E. Butler feel like a prophetic nod to our current world. If you were glued to T he Handmaid's Tale , you'll love this beautiful new edition of a seminal American classic. 'If there is one thing scarier than a dystopian novel about the future, it's one written in the past that has already begun to come true. This is what makes Parable of the Sower even more impressive than it was when first published' Gloria Steinem We are coming apart. We're a rope, breaking, a single strand at a time. America is a place of chaos, where violence rules and only the rich and powerful are safe. Lauren Olamina, a young woman with the extraordinary power to feel the pain of others as her own, records everything she sees of this broken world in her journal. Then, one terrible night, everything alters beyond recognition, and Lauren must make her voice heard for the sake of those she loves. Soon, her vision becomes reality and her dreams of a better way to live gain the power to change humanity forever. All that you touch, You Change. All that you Change, Changes you. What readers are saying about Octavia Butler: ' Kindred was written in 1979 but could have been written last year. Incredible. I couldn't put it down ' ' Emotionally and viscerally alive and challenging . I don't know how I missed it before now' 'A masterpiece by a matchless artist . Butler is simply sublime ' ' Reading these books will change your life ' 'A finely crafted work , rife with emotional power, horrifying in its believability , with a message that cannot be ignored '
This sequel to Parable of the Sower by ground-breaking writer Octavia E. Butler feel like a prophetic nod to our current world. If you were glued to T he Handmaid's Tale or couldn't put down The Power , you'll love this beautiful new edition of a seminal American classic. 'In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler's novel may be unmatched' New Yorker In order for me to understand who I am, I must begin to understand who she was. Asha was born into a broken world. There are many things she needs to know: how her country could embrace a violent, far-right President promising to make America great again, why they turned a blind eye to the suffering - and the truth about her mother. In her journals, Lauren Olamina tells of a great love divided between her young daughter, her community and the revelation that led her to found a new faith that teaches 'God Is Change'. But under a tyrannical religious regime who consider the mere existence of a black female leader a threat, Lauren knows she must soon either sacrifice her daughter and her followers - or forsake the beliefs that could transform human destiny. Octavia E. Butler's award-winning novel is an almost-prophetic take on a shockingly familiar and deeply relevant world. What readers are saying about Octavia Butler: ' Kindred was written in 1979 but could have been written last year. Incredible. I couldn't put it down ' ' Emotionally and viscerally alive and challenging . I don't know how I missed it before now' 'A masterpiece by a matchless artist . Butler is simply sublime ' ' Reading these books will change your life ' 'A finely crafted work , rife with emotional power, horrifying in its believability , with a message that cannot be ignored '
''One of the most significant literary artists of the twentieth century'' JUNOT DIAZ ''Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same'' GLORIA STEINEM One woman is called upon to reconstruct humanity in this hopeful, thought-provoking novel by the bestselling, award-winning author. For readers of Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison and Ursula K. Le Guin. When Lilith lyapo wakes in a small white room with no doors or windows, she remembers a devastating war, and a husband and child long lost to her. She finds herself living among the Oankali, a strange race who intervened in the fate of humanity hundreds of years before. They spared those they could from the ruined Earth, and suspended them in a long, deep sleep. Over centuries, the Oankali learned from the past, cured disease and healed the world. Now they want Lilith to lead her people back home. But salvation comes at a price - to restore humanity, it must be changed forever... PRAISE FOR OCTAVIA E. BUTLER, THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR ''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER ''Butler''s prose, always pared back to the bone, delineates the painful paradoxes of metamorphosis with compelling precision'' GUARDIAN ''Octavia Butler was a visionary'' VIOLA DAVIS ''Her evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES ''An icon of the Afrofuturism world, envisioning literary realms that placed black characters front and center'' VANITY FAIR ''Butler writes with such a familiarity that the alien is welcome and intriguing. She really artfully exposes our human impulse to self-destruct'' LUPITA NYONG''O
''A book that shifted my life... Epic, game-changing, moving and brilliant'' VIOLA DAVIS ''Will rewire the mind of whoever reads it... you don''t emerge from the journey unaffected'' NNEDI OKORAFOR A PATTERNIST NOVEL: BOOK ONE It begins when two immortals meet in an African forest. Doro is an ancient spirit who, for thousands of years, has cultivated a small village of people in search of perfection. He steals from their bodies to sustain his own life. Doro fears no one - until he meets Anyanwu. Anyanwu is like Doro and yet different. She uses her wisdom to help others, healing injuries, birthing tribes and shifting the shapes of her own body. Anyanwu feels no threat - until she meets Doro. In an epic story of love and hate, Doro and Anyanwu chase each other across continents and centuries - a power struggle that echoes through generations. Together they will change the world.
''Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same'' GLORIA STEINEM ''Her evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES From the groundbreaking, award-winning author of Parable of the Sower : one young man with extraordinary gifts must reconcile his own heritage before he can change the fate of humanity. Lilith''s son Akin looks like an ordinary child. His family live together on Earth, but not in complete peace. The Oankali saved humanity years before, compelled by the desire to create an extraordinary new race of children. But there are those who resist the Oankali and the salvation they offer. The first of his kind, Akin is more powerful than any other being. He understands the desire to fight for the independence of humanity. He also fears that, if left alone, humanity will destroy itself again. And when young Akin is stolen from Lilith and their hybrid family, he soon faces an impossible choice. But first he must reconcile with his own heritage in a world already torn in two. PRAISE FOR OCTAVIA E. BUTLER, THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR ''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER ''Butler''s prose, always pared back to the bone, delineates the painful paradoxes of metamorphosis with compelling precision'' GUARDIAN ''Octavia Butler was a visionary'' VIOLA DAVIS ''One of the most significant literary artists of the twentieth century. One cannot exaggerate the impact she has had'' JUNOT DIAZ ''An icon of the Afrofuturism world, envisioning literary realms that placed black characters front and center'' VANITY FAIR ''Butler writes with such a familiarity that the alien is welcome and intriguing. She really artfully exposes our human impulse to self-destruct'' LUPITA NYONG''O
''A book that shifted my life... Epic, game-changing, moving and brilliant'' VIOLA DAVIS on Wild Seed
''A literary pioneer'' VANITY FAIR on Octavia E. Butler
The baby''s name is Mary, and her father is immortal.
For thousands of years, Doro has pursued perfection, experimenting with humanity and seeking out rare - and powerful - talents. His finest creation is Mary, a young black woman who he raises on the rough outskirts of Los Angeles.
Doro knows he must handle Mary carefully or risk her ending like his previous experiments - dead, either by her own hand or his.
What he doesn''t suspect is that Mary is beginning to learn just how much power she wields. As she comes of age, Mary must harness her newfound abilities to challenge the ruthless man who controls her - and fight to free her people once and for all. -
''A book that shifted my life... Epic, game-changing, moving and brilliant'' VIOLA DAVIS on Wild Seed
''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER
The Patternmaster is all powerful. His every thought can control, heal or destroy.
The only threat to his command are the Clayarks, a society of people born out of terrible disease, who now live enslaved by the ruling Patternists or in the wild.
Coransee, son of the Patternmaster, wants the throne and will stop at nothing to succeed his father, even if it means killing every one of his siblings.
But when one brother - his rival and his equal - takes refuge amongst the Clayarks, a war ensues that will change the world forever. -
''Butler writes with such a familiarity that the alien is welcome and intriguing. She really artfully exposes our human impulse to self-destruct'' LUPITA NYONG''O ''An icon of the Afrofuturism world, envisioning literary realms that placed black characters front and center'' VANITY FAIR From literary pioneer Octavia E. Butler, the acclaimed Lilith''s Brood trilogy concludes with the story of Jodah, child of the Earth and stars, who risks the future of humanity just by growing up. Jodahs is a child of the Earth and stars, born from the union between humans and the Oankali, who saved humanity from destruction centuries before. But Jodahs is approaching adulthood, a metamorphosis that will take him beyond gender and family, and into a great but dangerous unknown. Frightened and alone, Jodahs must come to terms with this new identity, learn to master lifechanging powers and bring together what''s left of humankind - or become the biggest threat to their survival. PRAISE FOR OCTAVIA E. BUTLER, THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR ''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER ''Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same'' GLORIA STEINEM ''Butler''s prose, always pared back to the bone, delineates the painful paradoxes of metamorphosis with compelling precision'' GUARDIAN ''One of the most significant literary artists of the twentieth century'' JUNOT DIAZ ''Octavia Butler was a visionary'' VIOLA DAVIS ''Her evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES
''A book that shifted my life... Epic, game-changing, moving and brilliant'' VIOLA DAVIS on Wild Seed
''Butler''s evocative, often troubling novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES
Blake Maslin is a doctor. In an alternate America marked by volatile class warfare, he and his twin daughters are taken captive by armed men demanding urgent medical care.
In an isolated desert compound, the family encounter a collective of people suffering from an unknown and deadly disease. They appear sickly yet possess unnatural strength, torn between the dangerous compulsion to infect others or to hold on to their own humanity.
In the following hours, Blake and his daughters each must make a vital choice: risk everything to escape infection and warn the rest of the world, or accept their place in this strange new society. -
''The Octavia Butler novel for our times'' THE ATLANTIC
''My book of the year . . . completely devours the genre which gave rise to it'' JUNOT DlAZ
The final ground-breaking novel from renowned, bestselling author Octavia E. Butler.
A young girl wakes up in the woods, gravely injured and alone, with no memory of what happened or who she is.
As Shori heals, she realises that she isn''t like the people around her, which leads to a shocking discovery. She is a fifty-three-year-old vampire, and in terrible danger.
To save herself, Shori must learn anew everything about the power and desires that she holds, the life that was stolen from her - and those who want her dead.
''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER
''Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same'' GLORIA STEINEM
''Butler''s prose, always pared back to the bone, delineates the painful paradoxes of metamorphosis with compelling precision'' GUARDIAN
''One of the most significant literary artists of the twentieth century'' JUNOT DIAZ
''Octavia Butler was a visionary'' VIOLA DAVIS
''Her evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES -
Patternist Tome 1 : Mauvaise graine
Octavia E. Butler
- Au Diable Vauvert
- Litterature Generale
- 10 Octobre 2024
- 9791030706895
A few rules for predicting the future : An essay
Octavia E. Butler
- Chronicle Books
- 23 Mai 2024
- 9781797229058
The wise words of science fiction icon Octavia E. Butler live on in this beautiful and giftable little volume. There''s no single answer that will solve all our future problems. There''s no magic bullet. Instead there are thousands of answers-at least. You can be one of them if you choose to be." Originally published in Essence magazine in the year 2000, Octavia E. Butler''s essay "A Few Rules for Predicting the Future" offers an honest look into the inspiration behind her science fiction novels and the importance of studying history and taking responsibility for our actions if we are to move forward. Organized into four main rules, this short essay reminds readers to learn from the past, respect the law of consequences, be aware of their perspectives, and count on the surprises. Citing the warning signs of fascism, the illusive effects of fear and wishful thinking, and the unpredictable nature of what is yet to come, Butler shares realistic but hopeful suggestions to shape our future into something good. An inspiring and motivational gift for students and recent graduates, fans of Butler''s work, and anyone seeking a brighter day tomorrow, this exquisite gift book includes stunning Afrofuturist artwork by Manzel Bowman alongside the full text of the original essay. LITERARY ICON: Octavia E. Butler was a pioneering science fiction writer whose novels, written decades ago, remain eerily relevant, reflecting on themes of racial injustice, women''s rights, environmental collapse, and political corruption. In 1995, she became the first science fiction author to win a MacArthur Genius grant, and her books are taught in over 200 colleges and universities nationwide. This book shares Butler''s timely but lesser-known essay and is a must-read for fans of her classic sci-fi works. CELEBRATE BLACK CREATORS: This book spotlights one of the greatest authors of Afrofuturism, a genre and philosophy that explores and reimagines Black culture, creativity, and liberation through fiction, art, music, film, and other media. Octavia E. Butler''s forward-thinking essay is paired with contemporary illustrations by Manzel Bowman, whose evocative images are also inspired by Afrofuturist visions. INSPIRING GIFT: A unique gift for students, recent graduates, and anyone celebrating life milestones or looking forward in life, this beautifully designed hardcover book is sure to inspire. Octavia E. Butler''s essay is also an important, evergreen reminder for writers, creatives, dreamers, and activists who want to envision and work toward a brighter future. Perfect for:- Fans of Octavia Butler and her novels, including Kindred and Parable of the Sower - People interested in nonfiction and essays by Black women writers - Afrofuturism lovers and social justice-minded sci-fi readers - Literary bibliophiles looking for a stunning new addition to their bookshelf - Gift-giving to graduating high school and college students - Activists and community leaders - Inspirational essay readers - Fans of Manzel Bowman and Afrofuturist art "
Bifrost n.108 : Octavia E. Butler : femme puissante
Octavia E. Butler, Peter Watts
- Le Belial
- Bifrost
- 27 Octobre 2022
- 9782381630656
Pendant longtemps, Octavia E. Butler a représenté une singularité au sein des littératures de l'imaginaire anglophones : une femme noire écrivant de la science-fiction.
Née en 1947 en Californie, Octavia Butler grandit dans des États-Unis où sévit encore la ségégration. Enfant introvertie, elle trouve une échappatoire avec les littératures de genre. En 1970, elle fait ses premiers pas dans le fandom américain. Sur les conseils de Harlan Ellison, elle participe à l'atelier d'écriture Clarion, où elle se lie d'amitié avec Samuel Delany - écrivain noir de SF lui aussi. C'est justement à Ellison que Butler vend sa première nouvelle. Elle publie en 1979 son premier chef-d'oeuvre, Liens de sang : l'histoire d'une femme propulsée dans le passé esclavagiste des USA. Sa novelette « Bloodchild » (1985) emportera tous les prix importants du domaine : Hugo, Nebula, Locus... Dans ses récits, Butler fait la part belle à des protagonistes féminins forts, aux origines ethniques ou sociales variées.
Dans les années 90, Butler publie La Parabole du Semeur et La Parabole des talents, diptyque qui lui assurera la renommée. En 1995, elle est la première écrivaine de SF à recevoir la bourse de la Fondation McArthur.
Elle publie ce qui sera son dernier roman, Novice, en 2005, et décède en 2006 à l'âge de 58 ans, laissant derrière elle une oeuvre restreinte mais riche de thématiques puissantes. Une oeuvre souvent associée à l'afrofuturisme, ayant pavé le chemin pour les auteurs contemporains, de N.K. Jemisin à Colson Whitehead.
L'équipe de Bifrost s'intéressera à cette écrivaine essentielle au travers d'une biographie signé Pascal J.
Thomas, d'un article d'Octavia Butler portant sur son parcours, d'une étude de Ketty Steward sur le thème de l'empathie - transversal à toute l'oeuvre de l'autrice -, d'une interview de Marion Mazauric, qui mène depuis des années un travail de fonds sur Butler, et d'un guide de lecture, sans oublier une bibliographie complète. -
Kindred : a graphic novel adaptation
Octavia E. Butler, John Jennings
- Abrams Us
- 1 Décembre 2016
- 9781419709470
Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller Winner of the 2018 Eisner Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium Octavia E. Butler''s bestselling literary science-fiction masterpiece, Kindred, now in graphic novel format. More than 35 years after its release, Kindred continues to draw in new readers with its deep exploration of the violence and loss of humanity caused by slavery in the United States, and its complex and lasting impact on the present day. Adapted by celebrated academics and comics artists Damian Duffy and John Jennings, this graphic novel powerfully renders Butler''s mysterious and moving story, which spans racial and gender divides in the antebellum South through the 20th century. Butler''s most celebrated, critically acclaimed work tells the story of Dana, a young black woman who is suddenly and inexplicably transported from her home in 1970s California to the pre-Civil War South. As she time-travels between worlds, one in which she is a free woman and one where she is part of her own complicated familial history on a southern plantation, she becomes frighteningly entangled in the lives of Rufus, a conflicted white slaveholder and one of Dana''s own ancestors, and the many people who are enslaved by him. Held up as an essential work in feminist, science-fiction, and fantasy genres, and a cornerstone of the Afrofuturism movement, there are over 500,000 copies of Kindred in print. The intersectionality of race, history, and the treatment of women addressed within the original work remain critical topics in contemporary dialogue, both in the classroom and in the public sphere. Frightening, compelling, and richly imagined, Kindred offers an unflinching look at our complicated social history, transformed by the graphic novel format into a visually stunning work for a new generation of readers.
Grand format N.C.En réimpression