Lao Tzu
Le vieux sage ; le classique du tao et de ses vertus
Lao Tzu
- Moundarren
- Textes Philosophiques
- 1 Janvier 1993
- 9782907312172
Lao tzu («le Vieux sage») vécut au 5e siècle av. À la demande du gardien de la passe Han kou, au royaume de Chou, il rédigea le Tao te ching («le Classique du tao et de ses vertus») où, en cinq mille idéogrammes, il décrit les vertus du tao, de l'accord au cours des choses et des événements.
Lao Tzu''s Tao Te Ching is not only the single most important text ever composed in China, it is probably the most broadly influential spiritual text in human history. Complete & Unabridged. Part of the Macmillan Collector''s Library; a series of stunning, cloth-bound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is translated and introduced by David Hinton. Fluent in ancient Chinese and an acclaimed poet, he skilfully reveals how remarkably current and even innovative this text is after 2500 years. According to legend, Lao Tzu left China at the age of eighty, saddened that men would not follow the path to natural goodness. At the border with Tibet, a guard asked him to record his teachings and the Tao Te Ching is what he wrote down before leaving. Lao Tzu''s spirituality describes the Cosmos as a harmonious and generative organism, and it shows how the human is an integral part of that Cosmos.
A reproduction of the original edition of the translation of the work written by Lao Tzu. The text is accompanied by a selection of ancient Chinese paintings.
For nearly two generations, Gia-fu Feng and Jane English's bestselling translation of the Tao Te Ching has been the standard for those seeking access to the wisdom of Taoist thought. Now Jane English and her long-time editor, Toinette Lippe, have revised and refreshed the translation so that it more faithfully reflects the Classical Chinese in which it was first written, taking into account changes in our own language and eliminating any lingering infelicities. They have retained the simple clarity of the original rendering of a sometimes seemingly obtuse spiritual text, a clarity that has made this version a classic in itself, selling over a million copies. Written most probably in the sixth century B.C. by Lao Tsu, this esoteric but infintely practical book has been translated into English more frequently than any other work except the Bible. Gia-fu Feng and Jane English's superb translation--the most accessible and authoritative modern English translation--offers the essence of each word and makes Lao Tsu's teaching immediate and alive. This edition includes an introduction and notes by the well-known writer and scholar of philosophy and comparative religion, Jacob Needleman.