Ce catalogue en français accompagne une exposition consacrée à la sculpture de Matisse. D'abord présentée à Zurich puis au musée Matisse à Nice au printemps 2020, cette rétrospective est axée sur la méthode qu'utilisait Matisse pour réaliser presque toutes ses sculptures les plus importantes : il commençait par un modelage d'aspect naturaliste pour abstraire de plus en plus ses figures jusqu'à une stylisation radicale. Mais il conservait les états décisifs comme sculptures autonomes, dévoilant ainsi les étapes du processus de création. Les différentes sources d'inspiration de Matisse - nus photographiques, modèles antiques et africains - ainsi que des photographies montrant l'artiste travaillant la sculpture complètent cette étude.
David Chipperfield architects Berlin und das kunsthaus Zurich
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger & Spiess
- 20 Septembre 2021
- 9783039420261
Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is revered worldwide as a revolutionary painter and loved for his collages, or papiers decoupes, the icons of his late work. His paintings and drawings for a long time overshadowed his achievements as a sculptor. Yet his Back Series, four bas-reliefs showing a nude, created between 1908 and 1930, are widely recognised as a milestone in modern sculpture. Starting out from the naturalistic depiction, Matisse gradually transformed it to reach a radically abstracted figure. Each of the four original plaster casts represents a decisive moment of this artistic process. This transformative process has parallels in Matisse's painting and drawing. Published in conjunction with a major exhibition at Kunsthaus Zurich marking the artist's 150th anniversary, this is the first book to explore the relation between metamorphosis and feedback in both main fields of the artist's work. Documents of his diverse sources of inspiration for his sculptures - photographs of nudes, examples from African and ancient art - as well as images featuring Matisse at work as sculptor, round out this volume. It is a welcome addition to any art library, highlighting the lesser known side of this modern master.
Alberto giacometti drawings and watercolours /allemand
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger
- 1 Mars 2014
- 9783858814319
Le Kunsthaus de Zurich propose de redécouvrir Alberto Giacometti à travers les dessins et aquarelles qui l?ont vu grandir et les esquisses qui ont fait évoluer ses sculptures. Les 80 oeuvres exposées, reproduites dans ce petit catalogue, sont issues de la collection du frère cadet de l?artiste grison, Bruno, léguée au musée en 2012.
Zwischen resignation und aufbruch kunst von 1933 bis 1955
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger
- 7 Juin 2019
- 9783858816566
Ottilia giacometti - ein portrat /allemand
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger
- 7 Février 2020
- 9783858816726
Landschaften orte der malerei /allemand
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger
- 16 Juillet 2020
- 9783858816917
Das neue kunsthaus zurich /allemand
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger
- 3 Décembre 2020
- 9783858816962
Die neue fotografie umbruch und aufbruch 1970-1990
Kunsthaus Zurich Kunsthaus
- Scheidegger & Spiess
- 14 Novembre 2019
- 9783858816559
David Chipperfield architects Berlin and the kunsthaus Zurich
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger & Spiess
- 20 Septembre 2021
- 9783039420278
David Chipperfield's new building for the Kunsthaus Zurich now stands in all its splendour on Zurich's Heimplatz, opposite the old museum building of 1910 designed by Karl Moser. Its opening to the public in October 2021 will make the Kunsthaus Zurich Switzerland's largest art museum.
Following the two previous volumes on Kunsthaus Zurich's architectural history and the design for turning it into an art museum for the 21st century, this book documents the genesis of David Chipperfield's extension from proposal through political debates about the entire project to completed structure. It features a foreword by David Chipperfield and an essay by Christoph Felger, executive architect for the project at David Chipperfield Architects Berlin, that discusses the design concept, the promise made with it, and its fulfilment. A conversation between Christoph Felger, the director of the City of Zurich's Building Surveyor's Office Wiebke Roesler, and Kunsthaus Zurich's director Christoph Becker, and architecture critic Sabine von Fischer, as well as numerous illustrations and plans sound out this new volume.
David Chipperfield architects Berlin et le kunsthaus Zurich
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger & Spiess
- 23 Septembre 2021
- 9783039420285
David Chipperfield's new building for the Kunsthaus Zurich now stands in all its splendour on Zurich's Heimplatz, opposite the old museum building of 1910 designed by Karl Moser. Its opening to the public in October 2021 will make the Kunsthaus Zurich Switzerland's largest art museum.
Following the two previous volumes on Kunsthaus Zurich's architectural history and the design for turning it into an art museum for the twenty-first century, this book documents the genesis of David Chipperfield's extension from proposal through political debates about the entire project to completed structure. It features a foreword by David Chipperfield and an essay by Christoph Felger, executive architect for the project at David Chipperfield Architects Berlin, that discusses the design concept, the promise made with it, and its fulfilment. A conversation between Christoph Felger, the director of the City of Zurich's Building Surveyor's Office Wiebke Roesler, and Kunsthaus Zurich's director Christoph Becker, and architecture critic Sabine von Fischer, as well as numerous illustrations and plans sound out this new volume.
Albert welti und die grafik des fantastischen /allemand
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger & Spiess
- 9783039422524
Klimt, hodler und die wiener werkstatte /allemand
Kunsthaus Zürich kunsthaus
- Scheidegger
- 20 Mai 2021
- 9783039420162